Worm Bois

Constructs made of worms, bound to the Material Plane by Renard Wing.

They were bound to the Material Plane by Renard Wing to help him take control of Waterdeep. Some other members of the Rising Star could also tell them what to do. They understand Deepspeech.

A comet flying over the world heralded a nearing of the planes allowing Renard Wing to summon them.

They arrived during the Field of Champions with White Mask heralding the beginning of a new rule.

The remaining constituent worms of a destroyed construct return to a staging area. They can wiggle through tiny cracks in the ground to do so.

So far we have them staging in these locations:

They took people to feed to the pools of constituent worms.

Known forms:

  • White Mask

  • Large brutes

  • Medium humanoids

  • Mass of bladed worms, can do a special attack dealing lots (50+) of damage

  • Dog-like creatures