Luskan to Mirabar

Start: Luskan

End: Mirabar

Duration: 7 Days


Day 2

Rickard spots day old Hill Giant footprints heading North across the road.

Day 3

10 Bandits attempt to hold the Gramdoul and Searos up for 15GP each. Malcon, Rickard, and Caoimhín hide off in the woods ambushing the ambush. All bandits slain, except the leader, by Caoimhín. Malcon tackles the leaders. We took 7 of their horses.

Heading 2-3h East Rickard spots helms North of the road. A warning shot is fired at us. Caoimhín charges into the trees killing one of the two guards but two kids get away. Malcon kneecaps and captures the other guy.

Camp East of the Bandit Camp entrance with all the horses. Malcon leaves a false trail further East just in case.

Day 4

Attack the Bandit Camp slaughtering all bandits. Capture the second-in-command and interrogate.

Day 5

Meet a caravan headed Westbound for Luskan, guarded by members of The Axes of Mirabar.

Day 6

Camp that night at a place suggested by Bhaltharn. Attacked by emaciated Hill Giants.

Day 7

Arrive in Mirabar. Hand over survivors and Bandit Captain to The Axes of Mirabar.