D&D Notes¶
- Overview
- Events
- Groups
- Amcathra House
- Arcane Brotherhood
- The Black Mercenaries
- The Black Network
- Champions Of Waterdeep
- Council Of The North
- Emerald Enclave
- Force Grey
- Glandenfields
- Golden Harts
- The Hands Of Yartar
- The Harper Network
- The Lords Alliance
- Mad Shadow Science Crew
- Masked Lords Of Waterdeep
- The Merchant Consortium
- Oraldin Braves
- Order Of The Gauntlet
- Rising Star
- Blackthorns
- The Twelve
- Uthgardt
- Worm Bois
- Yuan-ti
- Inns
- The Anchorage
- Badger And Harp
- The Black Bear
- Bottomless Keg
- Calling Horns Inn
- The Caoimh Inn
- The Coin Toss
- Danivar’s House
- Dented Tankard
- Dreaming Dragon
- The Falling Orc
- Flaming Troll
- The Full Cup
- Golden Tankard
- Iron Forge
- Magician’s Monocle
- Missing Minotaur
- Night And Shadow
- North Shields House
- Once Proud Goose
- Smiling Satyr
- Stag At Bay
- Talking Troll
- The Stables Tavern
- Thirsty Thistle
- Vagabond’s Vantage
- The Yawning Portal
- Items
- The Caoimh Inn Deed
- Mad Science Journal
- Mad Science Notes
- Note From Jamie Lanhurst
- Official Waterdeep Business Sealed Letter
- Outer Essence Shard
- Renard’s Notebook
- Ring of Winter
- Sapphire Staff
- Searos’ Spellbook
- Shadowfell Anchor
- Teleportation Access
- The Nightstone
- The Tiverton Deed
- Waterdeep Sending Stone
- Wyrmskull Throne
- Journeys
- Caoimh Inn To ???
- Llorkh To Waterdeep
- Parnast To Llorkh
- Pheszeltan’s Lair To Parnast
- Forgotten Forest Edge To Pheszeltan’s Lair
- Mad Science Cave To Forgotten Forest [edge]
- Parnast To Mad Science Cave
- Loudwater To Parnast
- Waterdeep To Loudwater
- The Maelstrom To Waterdeep (Again)
- Iymrith’s Lair to Maelstrom
- Maelstrom to Iymrith’s Lair
- Purple Rocks To The Maelstrom
- Waterdeep to Purple Rocks
- Yartar to Mornbryn’s Shield
- Waterdeep To Yartar
- The Maelstrom To Waterdeep
- The Eye of the All-Father to The Maelstrom
- Mirabar To The Eye Of The All-Father
- Everlund To Mirabar
- Waterdeep To Everlund
- Golden Fields To Waterdeep
- Nesmé To Golden Fields
- Mother’s Bastion to Nesmé
- Mirabar To Mothers Bastion
- Granits Holdfast To The Eye Of The All-Father
- Granit’s Command to Granit’s Holdfast
- Granit Mines To Berronar’s Temple
- Mirabar To Granit Mines
- Calling Horns To Everlund
- Yartar To Calling Horns
- Triboar To Yartar
- Longsaddle to Triboar
- Xantharl’s Keep to Longsaddle
- Mirabar to Xantharls Keep
- Luskan to Mirabar
- Bryn Shander to Luskan
- The Anchorage to Bryn Shander
- Party
- People
- Aliatra Tarmikos
- Altho
- Artis Cimbar
- Aryn
- Arzastra
- Augrek Brighthelm
- Beatrice
- Belldora
- Bennedict
- Berronar Truesilver
- Bertram
- Beverly
- Bhaltharn
- Blantranel
- Bramble
- Branston
- Brian
- Brinwryth
- Brunswick Beekeeper
- Calinn Gran-Granitson
- Clara Ilepsal
- Colbaz
- Constable Yohn
- Darathra
- Darz
- Denwill
- Devin
- Don
- Dral Thelev
- Dremdall Silverthorn
- Drinix
- Duvessa Shane
- Ealdwulf Family
- Eames
- Efril Trisbanise
- Elenandria Gladenwald
- Emilion Drafton
- Esmah Nola
- Ethanyal Darlear
- Fargas Thorngage
- Favian
- Flaming Red Haired Giant
- Fylo
- Gesh
- Gillian Drambleweed
- Glom
- Grendle
- Grolt
- Guh
- Gunthorp Shadowell
- Gwinith Twalarn
- Halazar
- Harshnag
- Harthos Zymorven
- Hekaton
- Heldon Granit
- Hellenhild
- Hiral Mystrum
- High Captain Horix Zoar
- Hruk
- Iados
- Iilga Fulldreamer
- Ildan
- Inirva Coldwater
- Ironsmith
- Iymrith
- Jacqueline
- Jamie Lanhurst
- Jeff
- Jessie Crane
- Jimmy
- Joan
- Jostholm Swarven
- Julius Sumber
- Kellah
- Keyless
- Kim Blakeshire
- Kinthwip
- Kizmit
- Krowen Valharrow
- Lady Thiendolyne
- Landrana
- Larell Silverhand
- Laucian
- Lord Drylund
- Lorhalien
- Maddison
- Marchion of Mirabar
- Maribel Miliyand
- Marok
- Marriot Higgins
- Matilda
- Matilda Felhammer
- Melmus Krongrom
- Merrik Crew
- Mhaere
- Miriam Thestryl
- Mirran
- Mirros Xelbrin
- Miss Hope
- Mithrode
- Moog
- Morgran
- Mother
- Much Room
- Nalral Ironfist
- Narbeck Horn
- Nelvin Storn
- Neri
- Nespril Menk
- Nestra Ruthiol
- Nym
- Oboth
- Orlekto
- Oswald Patton
- Pheszeltan
- Miss Pow Ming
- Ralph Blum
- Rankral Oathbreaker
- Renard Wing
- Revil Slombarr
- Rinn
- Rowan Mornwell
- Saewin Plowtree
- Saldor
- Sandyse
- Santar Belrune
- Sarissa
- Sir Barrik Nylef
- Slarkrethel
- Sontar
- Sorelisa
- Stephan Willith
- Storvald
- Tasar Ealdwulf
- Ted
- Teleri Amber
- Thamel
- Theobald Elynbridge
- Theodore Grendlewell
- Theodore Thadeus Ravenbrand
- Thorin Torbera
- Thrakkar
- Titianna
- Torem
- Torgar Delzoun Hammerstriker
- Trigdon Drafton
- Ulmael
- Ultread Ealdwulf
- Urgala Meltimer
- Val Diknursk
- Vassa
- Vetch
- Vexlar
- The Weevil
- White Mask
- Wormford
- Wrenn
- Yanic
- Yurgunn Goblinbane
- Zephyrous
- Places
- Academy Of Stargazers
- Amcathra Warehouse
- Berronar’s Temple
- Burman Keep
- Catalina’s
- City Of The Dead
- Crangrath’s Seventh Shaft
- Down Shadow
- Down Shadow Mine
- The Field Of Triumph
- The Five
- The Grand Dame
- Granit’s Holdfast
- Halazar’s Fine Gems
- Iymrith’s Lair
- Keyless’ Magic Shop
- Lady Thiendolyne’s Manor House
- Llorkh Manor House
- Llorkh Mines
- Mad Science Cave
- Moongleam Tower
- The Morkoth
- Mother’s Bastion
- Mother’s Rest
- Oakewynn Manor
- Parnast Stables
- Pheszeltan’s Lair
- Piergeiron’s Palace
- Renard’s Lair
- Renard’s Office
- Renard’s Parents House
- The Riverside Coffer
- Sewer Room
- Teleportation Circle Loudwater
- Teleportation Circle, Mirabar
- Teleportation Circle, Waterdeep
- Teleportation Circle, Yartar
- The Eye Of The All-Father
- The Veiled Theatre
- Thimble’s Enchantery
- Tuvand Keep
- Under Mountain
- Vaclav’s
- Worm Boi Rally Point
- Quests
- Regions
- Settlements
- Bandit Camp
- Beliard
- Bryn Shander
- Calling Horns
- Deadstone Cleft
- Everlund
- Flying Castle
- Golden Fields
- Granit’s Holdfast Mines
- Grudd Haug
- Hawk’s Nest
- The High Forest
- Ironslag
- Leilon
- Llorkh
- Longsaddle
- Loudwater
- Luskan
- Lyn Armaal
- The Maelstrom
- Mere Of Dead Men
- Mirabar
- Mornbryn’s Shield
- Nesmé
- Neverwinter
- Nightstone
- Parnast
- Purple Rocks
- Red Rocks
- Silverymoon
- Svardborg
- Tashluta
- Thornhold
- Triboar
- Waterdeep
- Xantharl’s Keep
- Yartar
- Zymorven Keep
- To Do List